Funeral Consumers Alliance of California
The Funeral Consumers Alliance of California
Funeral Consumers Alliance of California is a non-profit corporation formed in 1962 and is run by a 7-member board of directors who serve without pay. About 40,000 Californians are represented by the 11 memorial societies and affiliates of FCA. Leaders from the societies and FCAs get together for an annual meeting each autumn to learn from workshops and speakers, exchange information about activities around the state, consider and adopt advocacy/action proposals, and elect officers.
The bylaws state that FCA of Calif will act on the behalf of member affiliates in public meetings and hearings, particularly in the area of legislation and consumer affairs; to act as a clearinghouse and communication center for the exchange of relevant information among the affiliates; and prepares educational materials and programs to promote intelligent pre-planning and combat any misleading information coming from the funeral industry. FCA of California board also assists member affiliates with operational problems and cooperative ventures.
Your membership in one affiliate is transferable to any other society affiliated with FCA of California, if you should move. Some charge a small transfer fee, others don't.