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State Wide Updates

The Funeral Consumers Alliance of California takes pride in building our network of supportive, educational, and conscientious end-of-life care groups. Please note that all links are for informational purposes only, as the FCA does not provide endorsements.


As our network grows, please continue to check back here. If you'd like to suggest a group, please contact us.

Southern California Update on Cremations

South Coast Air Quality Management District
Executive Order 21-01


WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of California has proclaimed a State of Emergency throughout the State resulting from the spread of respiratory illness due to a novel coronavirus (known as COVID-19) on March 4, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner (“Coroner”) has confirmed that there exists an urgent need for additional human crematory services to deal with the increased demand for such services resulting from deaths due to COVID-19, and other
causes; and 


More Info here.

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