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FCA of CA Newsletter

Our volunteers publish a quarterly newsletter detailing the recent and upcoming events, articles of interest, and important information. 

We are a non-profit consumers' advocacy group serving California, dedicated to protecting a consumer's right to choose a meaningful, dignified, affordable funeral. Think of us as if we were the "Consumer Reports" of the funeral business.


Would you like to join our email list and receive our quarterly newsletter in your email box? 





Oct 2019

President’s Message to
FCA Affiliates and Friends


Greetings.  As I look forward to our annual meeting November 9, 2019, I am also looking back to my 5 years on the FCA Calif board.
Our bylaws state board members may serve two consecutive terms which means the time has come for me to pass the torch.  But..I plan to continue to serve as a volunteer in some way.
Looking back my first thought is I have never been on a board which has worked so well together. 

July 2019

President’s Food for thought for February newsletter

Success story in the making!  We are happy to report that the FCA of Northern California is up and running with a new 7 member board.  At a membership meeting in March the members attending voted to continue and 7 people raised their hands to volunteer to be on the board!  I have had the privilege to attend their 3 board meetings and am very impressed with everyone taking on a task or two. Thanks to members who kept the group from dying by keeping the money in the bank, thanks Joyce, organizing files and data and helping Joyce, thanks Nancy,  spending hours updating the data, thanks Gayle making arrangements for mailing and finding a venue for meeting, thanks Cheryll and thanks to the FCA CA board for their support. 

Feb 2019

President’s Food for thought for February newsletter

Reflect on the past year, bring in the new year! Past year brought new information: several affiliates about to close or have closed but outreach started by FCA CA. Annual meeting brought fresh ideas from speakers Ruth Bennett, president of national FCA, and Katherine Ortiz, President of FCAH (Funeral Consumers Alliance of Humboldt) and FCA CA Board member. Moving forward into new year, FCA CA is reaching out to all affiliates to get updates on: bylaws, officers, dates of annual meetings, news of what you are or are not doing.

Sept/Oct 2018

Annual FCA-CA State Conference
You are invited!
Date: Nov. 3, 2018 FCA-CA Annual Conference
Location: 11695 Olive Ave., Livingston, CA 95334
From Jean Okuye, president of Funeral Consumers Alliance of California:


Dear California Advocates, who shout: Consumers have right to choose a meaningful, dignified and affordable funeral!  Thank you, thank you, Advocates!


Time to get together for our FCA-CA Annual Conference.  Mark your calendars, get your board and friends to register (only $30 each covers breakfast, lunch, cost of venue, speakers, and materials) and be thinking about where we came from and where we want to go. Thanks to the FCA of Stanislaus & Merced Counties, our hosts this year, we have a powerful day planned.  

Happy Spring 2018


EASTER is here!

FROM FCA NATIONAL:  Election ballots for the New FCA national Board are coming in the mail and should be returned by April 16, 2018.  Go online to to get bios on the candidates.

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